For those that travel frequently keeping track of all the places you have visited can be quite a challenge, whilst equalling as challenging, can be plotting out where you’d love to visit or discovering places you’ve never even heard of. Cue the humble map. Or not quite so humble in the case of The Future Mapping Company. They produce beautiful, big and bright maps which are designed to make your world a beautiful place and we agree. Read our interview with founder, Marcus Kirby, to find out more.
Tell us more about The Future Mapping Company.
At a time when most maps are being produced for use on screen, we continue to embrace the paper map. We design and publish maps as wall art. They are meticulously developed over many months and are printed using a lithographic process to give a stunning high-quality print that really has a wow factor with metallic and fluorescent inks.

When did you have the lightbulb moment for it and what challenges have you faced in bringing it to fruition?
I used to work for a colour forecasting company, one day we were researching and brainstorming products that we felt could be transformed with a new colour palette. My thoughts turned to maps, something which I have loved from my earliest days, when in the Lake District with my family.

Tell us more about the process involved in making a map and why Future Maps stand out from the crowd.
Map making is a very considered and time-consuming process. There is no quick creative release! The first job is to collate data, the second to stylise and make beautiful, the third to edit and the fourth to print.

Who is the typical Future Mapping Company customer?
Somebody who likes colour in their life, an interest in design and interiors and a fascination with the World in which we live.

Within your city collection you currently have London, Berlin, San Francisco and New York – why are these the ‘first-choice’ collection and which city is next on the list and why?
We would love to have a city collection that is far greater than it currently is but these street level maps are a massive commitment to our small niche business so we have to balance commercial viability with desire. We have listened to our customers and stockists to get to where we are today.

What does luxury travel mean to you?
I like to add little moments of luxury to my travels. Too much of anything is not good for you they say and I do like to explore and experience all of what my travel destination has to offer.
Finally, where is next on your own travel to do list and why?
For adventure, Jordan would be top of the list for me, the mix of scenery, heritage sites and food and culture would be I am sure an awe-inspiring mix.
Closer to home I would head for the Isle of Skye for a complete escape from City life, and take in some fresh air with walks in a new and barely touched landscape. I would of course sample the delights of local distilleries and food producers along the way!
My last choice, would be to go and get some early season sun in Greece and do some island hoping in the Cyclades. I haven’t been since a backpacking adventure with a good friend of mine in my early twenties but my memories still take me back to the slow island life and perfect still blue seas.
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Why not map out your own travels on these big and bright maps?